Living here in the province didn't stopped me from buying great classics and bestsellers at low low prices. Thanks to the availability of Booksale, I am able to accumulate books I feel are worth reading in this lifetime. My latest finds are seen in the aforementioned picture and most prices ranged from P44-70 except for the Kenzaburo collection of four novels which was priced a bit higher. As to when I can read them, only time will tell. And as long they're there stocked high among my shelves within reach of my fickle mind, then I can sleep well.
The books I try getting are those whose settings are NOT in America, whose timeline does not fall within this age of consumerism and whose themes must reflect the ironies of human frailties. The only exception to my choices is the Pulitzer Prize-winning book, Martin Dressler. This I haven't researched on yet, but if such book bested the whole 1997 lot of American Fiction, then at p44, it was a steal.
And newly adopted books from Booksale are then herded to my mini-library (as seen below) where they'll await their duly appointed time. I hope to expand my collection to fill an entire wall of the house so long the wooden floors wouldn't give in.